Rear tow strap assembly for the Exige V6.
Rear towing strap seen on Cup models of the Exige V6. The strap is supplied with the bracket and nutplates required for fitting the strap to the chasis. This is an essential component for V6 owners who take their cars on track; not only does it make the vehicle look track ready, it will also help keep you out of danger whilst on track as it enables easy recovery.
The supplied bracket fits to the chasis above the right hand side of the rear diffuser and is held in place by the two nut plates and hardended bolts. This section of the chassis can be seen through the grille on the diffuser. Some cars will have the holes pre-drilled for fitting the bracket, others may require some drilling.
Slight modification to the rear grille, which is part of the diffuser assembly, is required to allow the strap to pass through and out of the back of the vehicle.
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