- 08/05/2016
- By daveh
- In Testimonials
- 22
- 0
A short customer review following installation of the Komo-Tec EX460 upgrade kit to his V6-powered Exige: “I picked my V6 up from Hangar 111 on Saturday with the 460 kit installed and ready for action. Greg had already warned me that ‘it’s a bit rapid ‘. He showed me what had been done and spoke
Here’s some recent feedback we have received from some of our customers… “Catching up after a fantastic weekend driving the Exige. As you said, it really is stunning. It feels transformed. From the sheer power, responsiveness, turn in, cornering to the overall feel of the new cockpit. A very large thank you for getting
Review of the Komo-Tec ‘Ko-Bra-4-4’ brake upgrade kit for V6-engined cars, from a first-time Hangar 111 customer: “I’ve been running my Exige V6 for close to two years, the car is used mainly for track and weekend outings. I typically run about 6 track days a year with an intention to get to 2 track
Customer review of the EV430 performance upgrade for the Evora: “As the organiser of a successful car event in North East Scotland, I always find myself searching around for ways to differentiate my own car from that of the many hundreds of entrants that compete and display at my event each summer. Traditionally I have